Liberating The Masculine

As men, we have grown up in this Western culture where there are no rites of passage rituals from boyhood into manhood, are trained to be competitive, have a clear distinct direction in our purpose and suppress our feelings and emotions. We are taught that our anger is bad and we need to find another way to express it, when in actuality it is our “rage” that is unacceptable. We are being asked to show up inside our intimate relationships with the feminine in a different way which we have no experience with…in both the relational and the sexual.

wild_masculineYou are committed to your growth as a man in this world by taking care of your body and mind through practices such as yoga, meditation, physical exercise and communing with nature. Our body is our temple and you are committed to be working through your habits and relationships with food, drugs, pornography, alcohol, your isolation and negative self talk in order to be present and vibrantly alive.

In community, and with guidance from sacred archetypes, you are working at the re-creation of your story to get beyond any self imposed limitations in order to create the man you want to become. Being in a supportive community with other men on a similar path allows any homophobic conditioning to begin to fall away so we can really hold and encourage each other on our paths.

We learn what it means to be vulnerable when expressing our truths without shame or blame.

We learn to express our feelings and deepest fears without having to be “fixed” because there is nothing “broken”.

We learn and practice to be in the mystery of life and in the circular patterns of the feminine energies.

We learn to practice different erotic techniques to work through erectile dysfunction, goal orientation towards ejaculation, sexual shame typically associated around the anus in order to enjoy more pleasure and extend our sexual partnered bliss.

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